Don’t just learn it – master it.

In an age of never-ending grade inflation and record number university applicants, having good grades doesn’t cut it anymore. Total mastery of course material and confidence in oneself is needed to stand out, and we specialize in just that.

Holding both Master of Science and Master of Teaching degrees, our tutors understand course material at the highest level and know exactly how it’s implemented in the Ontario curriculum. Let us share our proven passions for learning and aid you in eclipsing your academic goals.

Our Specialties

Grades 9 & 10 Science (SNC1D, SNC2D)

Don’t let the jump from middle school to high school science hold you back. Learn the fundamentals for classes like physics, chemistry and biology.

Grades 9 & 10 Math (MPM1D, MPM2D)

These classes are the foundation for calculus, advanced functions and beyond. Master the concepts early and get a head start.

Grades 11 & 12 Biology (SBI3U, SBI4U)

Humans are no more complicated than the biology that describes them. Understand where living organism came from, and where they are going.

Grades 11 & 12 Physics (SPH3U, SPH4U)

Vectors, kinematic equations and free-body diagrams don’t need to be intimidating. Learn the strategies to conquer any physics problem with confidence.

University Calculus 1 & 2 for Sciences

Calculus shouldn’t fall by the wayside with the heavy demands of a University course load. Acing it comes down to focusing on the right material and understanding the concepts behind the math.

Grades 11 & 12 Chemistry (SCH3U, SCH4U)

The periodic table is just the beginning. Understand how elements interact with each other and what makes up the world we live in.

Grades 11 & 12 Math (MCR3U, MHF4U, MCV4U, MDM4U)

Rational equations, functions, derivatives, limits and so much more. Learn the beauty behind the numbers and set yourself up for success in university.

What Sets Us Apart.

Each of our tutors hold or are working towards both a Master of Science and a Master of Teaching degree. They’ve spent countless hours immersed in what they love and know all the tips and tricks. From a pedagogical standpoint, they have the formal training to tailor lessons directly to students and utilize the multitude of teaching approaches they have in their back pocket. 1-on-1 instruction with our tutors provides students with an opportunity for deeper learning that they can’t find elsewhere.